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Origin of name: Saurian

Blood Type: AB+

Sexual Orientation: Straight

Current status: Single


Myers Briggs: ESTP "The Entrepreneur"

Western Zodiac: Aries ♈

Chinese Zodiac: Dragon

Native American Zodiac: Hawk



Saurian Survivalist

Basic Statistics

Name: Riff Attwater

Nickname: Atticus

Age: 23

Sex: Male

Nationality: Gyroppean

Ethnicity: Saurian

Race: Snapraptor

Birth date: April 15th "2000"

(Year only for zodiac purposes)

Birthplace: Ackrin

Current residence: Outer space

Occupation: Survivalist

Title: Delivery Boy Class D


Extra Statistics

  • Swimming
  • Food
  • Books/Reading
  • Company
  • Mud
  • Being called a dog
  • Disrespect
  • Being alone

Past History

Age: 0 - 15


Born in Ackrin; when Riff was about 8 he joined the Jr. Hunting Party as their Alpha / Striker and quickly proved to be a fearless leader. By the time he was 15 he'd already lead several successful expeditions.


One summer, Riff took his team out farther than usual; towards the coast to hunt the large herbivores in the dunes. He knew it was a risky endeavor but his team were itching for a challenge. Riff had just gotten in place when the herd spooked unexpectedly, pushing their chasers behind the stampede. Before Riff could assess the situation he felt a sharp prick in his neck and everything went black...


Thus began the worst five years of his life...

Age: 15 - 20


By the time Riff woke up he was in a cage, with a yellow tag embedded into his dorsal fin and his friends nowhere to be seen. He had been taken to Null, an island whose "tropical paradise" exterior hides a dark underground secret.

In the ring, the only rule is 'kill or be killed'.


Riff quickly learned how to survive in this world of war. Already an accomplished hunter, he mastered how to restrain, disable, and dispatch adversaries as quickly as possible to minimize injury to himself. For five years he was surrounded by creatures speaking a foreign tongue, his words and cries for help left completely ignored. More than the fighting, the loneliness consumed him... he had to escape.


Fortunately for Riff, his owners made one fatal mistake. The mistake of pitting him against four smaller Raptors from a different part of the world. Finally! Someone he could speak to. His prior alpha experience lent itself well to convincing them that they could work together to make an escape. 


The island was not safe, they had no choice but to swim. 

Age: 20 - 23


The group washed up on the continent of Gyroppe; where the locals discovered them and took them to the hospital. Once their wounds healed they were completely free. The young pack settled in the forest just outside the city of [Unnamed]. Still desperate for companionship, Riff ventured regularly into the city. There, he began to learn English and took up a job at the Library. The library was exactly what he needed, quiet, peaceful, and surrounded by knowledge. 


That's when he found it. A small news article about an off-world collector or strange and rare species... it was a small clue, but it was the only chance Riff had of ever seeing his friends again.


He had to go to space...

Age: 23 - 25 (current)


The only place he could find that would allow a dinosaur to go to space for free without asking too many questions was Trans-Galactic, a delivery company. It wouldn't allow him the true freedom he wanted... but it would do. The company even agreed to accommodate his, unique habitat requirements.


The Captain turned out to be... not Alpha material, but Riff is willing to pretend like these people can control him, for now. 

Are they generally balanced or clumsy? Balanced

Mannerisms/Poses/Movement: He frequently bobs and tilts his head like a bird when he's exploring something new. His movements while in the open are fluid and graceful, but he can get awkward in closed-in spaces.

Describe their walk: Like a chicken. His head bobs back and forth a bit.

Habits/Obsessions: He has a 'habit' I guess of, snapping at/chasing things that move quickly. He's a predator...

Do they curse? If he curses he probably does so in Saurian.


A piece of dialogue that he might say:

Anyone: So what's with the dinosaur?
Riff: Well, actually... I'm not a "dinosaur" a'tall. -pulling a book out of his bag- While my species did evolve from the theropods of the late Cretaceous we diverged from their evolutionary path over 80 million years ago. As you can see here... -gestures to the book- My lineage is more closely related to sharks and crocodiles than to avians.


Laugh: Ever heard a bird laugh?

Sleep patterns: Heavy sleeper

Daily rituals: On a normal day in Gyroppe, Riff would probably wake up, eat breakfast, and go to work at the library. Gyroppe has raptor-friendly grocery stores, but I think sometimes he'd travel out of town to go hunting, just because he likes it. He would have a cart to pull behind him that carried everything. In his spare time, he might read, or... other stuff.




Physical Characteristics

Height: 6'6"

Weight: 1,800lbs

Build: Muscular

Skin: Iridescent black scales

Eyes: White

Nose: Long

Mouth: Sharp & White

Face shape: Raptor

Handedness: Right

Describe their smile: Only slightly threatening

Hands: Three fingers & a thumb. Sharp claws.

Feet: Three toes & a dew claw. One large meat hook on second toe.

Scars: Many tiny scars, not easily seen.

Glasses/Contacts: No

Distinguishing features: Two rows of white spots on either side that run down the length of his spine to about halfway down the tail.

Style: A sharp nerd

Clothing: A flat cap with "TGC" on it.

Other outfits: He doesn't typically wear clothes, but he does carry a satchel.

Jewelry: A simple cord necklace with a sunstone wrapped in wire.

Other accessories: A yellow tag pinned into his dorsal fin.

Weapons: Claws & teeth

Health: Pretty good.

Hygiene: Good for a lizard, he likes the water so he takes many baths.

Physical Flaws: Too big, sometimes he can't easily fit into places.

How does he deal with...
Conflict/Danger: Fight it

Rejection: Fight it

Fear: Fight it

Change: Fight it

Loss: Fight it

Sex/Flirting: Fight it

Pain: Fight it

Stress: Fight it

Peer pressure: Fight it

Guilt: Fight it

...react to...
Being wrong: Fight it

Being criticized: Fight it

Being insulted: Fight it

Offending others: Fight it

Praise: Fight it

Being loved: Fight it

Being hated: Fight it

Humiliation: Fight it

Anger: Fight it

Sadness: Fight it

Fear: Fight it

Happiness: Fight it

Excitement: Fight it

Love: Fight it

Lust: Fight it

Stress/anxiety: Fight it

Dislike: Fight it

Approval: Fight it

Sense of morals: He has a sense of what is right and wrong from the perspective of just above a wild animal.

What he considers taboo: 

Etiquette: What's etiquette?

Sense of self-control: "I coulda ripped your throats out, but I didn't! ...but I coulda…"

Spontaneous or structured: Both, more spontaneous I guess.

Instinctual or logical: Instinctual

How does he act in public? He tries to act according to the situation, but some of the finer details of human etiquette elude him. In unfamiliar places he will just follow whoever he's with.

How does he act in privacy? He pees in the pool.

How he acts around strangers vs. friends: Around strangers he tries to present himself with more authority than he would with his friends or acquaintances. His physical appearance thankfully lends well to this endeavor. (In general, people see a 6 1/2 ft tall dinosaur and give it a wide berth) It depends on the situation, however; he knows that in certain situations it is best to keep a low profile. 

How does he act around family? He's Joyous and silly at times. 

How has he most changed from youth? Gained some good ol' psychological trauma from being caged and alone.

How have they remained the same? He's still clever and can be silly at times.

Has this character dealt with the loss of someone they knew? Y… es?

If so, who? I mean he was kinda surrounded by death a lot, but also his friend was taken away. He's working on finding them.

How has it affected them? He feels guilty for being the one that got them kidnapped. Even though his whole team had agreed to/suggested the trip, he was the alpha at the time and to him the responsibility for their predicament falls on his shoulders. He wants to make it right and bring his friends home.

Emotional Characteristics

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