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Have you ever wanted to play your Snapraptor character in a tabletop RPG? How about a sci-fi one where you go into space? Well I have some good news for you! Here's some basic info you'll need to create your very own Space Dino. 

[ What is Bulldogs? ]

Bulldogs is a game similar in style to Dungeons & Dragons.
You are recruited by the Trans Galactic Corporation as delivery personnel on a Class D ship.
(So think Planet Express level) 

All the info you will need about the specifics is in the Bulldogs Fate Core Edition Handbook

And here's a nifty simplified character sheet setup:
Bulldogs Character Sheet


Riff's character sheet for reference.


Solaria's location in the galaxy


[ Saurians ]


Saurians are not very well-known throughout the galaxy. This leaves the average spacer a bit intimidated at first glance. The "Standard" Saurian size class ranges from 4' to 6' in height. (Measured at top of head when relaxed, stretching vertically can add up to another 3' to this.) Saurians have a theropod body structure; with their backs and tails sporting thick, rubbery fins like that of a shark. They're lean and muscular, covered in tough hide that comes in many colors and patterns. Most often the base is a dark color, with bright markings that contain bio-luminescence, controlled entirely by the individual. These flashing patterns are a form of communication when speaking isn't an option. The glowing lure on their heads helps them both attract fish and navigate through murky water. Extremely animalistic by nature; a 'true' Saurian would always rather use their claws over a weapon, and are especially averse to guns. A Saurian with a gun is very rare.

The Saurian Race originated in the wetlands of Creta on the planet Solaria. They have settled in a few other similarly wet locations throughout the galaxy but they are still rare in comparison to other species. Because of their fierce appearance, they have had bad experiences with poachers and collectors wanting to capitalize on their strength and prowess in hand-to-hand combat for entertainment. Because of this, they have to be very picky about where in the galaxy they settle; choosing only remote locations and maintaining strict rules of secrecy when they travel abroad. Many of their towns have even implemented hidden waterway entrances.


The Saurians have hit-or-miss relations with other species. They are incredibly intelligent and curious so if given the opportunity they would love to learn about your species' customs and culture. They also, kinda look terrifying to most primate-based species and sometimes with a language barrier they can come off as dangerous without meaning to. This is actually what got them the moniker "Snapraptor" from the first peoples of Solaria that only glimpsed them from their ships as they sailed by. This term isn't normally used by Saurians to describe themselves.  

[ Saurian names ]


Saurians don't follow a strict naming code. Their given names are generally short and easy to pronounce. Their second name is the name of their pack. Members of the same pack are usually, but not necessarily related by blood. It's more of a loose concept of togetherness/extended family. A single tribe or clan might have several packs living together. Pack names tend to be names after locations or celestial bodies. 

Male names: Ace, Binx, Charles, Cache, Cal, Chett, Dai, Dinh, Greco, Gill, Pascal, Riff, Tig, Ukko, Zam, Zulu
Female names: Azure, Ash, Blue, Cael, Dex, Gwen, Gin, Jin, Jules, Paige, Nox, Roz


Pack names: Attwater, Northstar, Nova, Plainfield, Star, Terra, Volrock, Watterson

A raptor with no pack allegiances would have no last name. 



When making your character you will select two of the following aspects.



[ Like a Damp Squid ]

Invoke: You are at home in a wet or humid environment. "Come on in! The water is fine!"

Compel: Prolonged exposure to a dry climate will make you uncomfortable. "Why are you so grouchy today? It's only a desert."


[ Everyone knows morse code... right? ]

Invoke: You can communicate verbally as well as visually. "There's the signal! Let's go."

Compel: If there are a lot of lights you think the environment is trying to speak to you. "He's been staring at that display for hours..."



[ The Dog Days are Not Over ]

Invoke: You can get away with causing trouble because people assume you're an animal. "Lay off, he doesn't know any better."

Compel: People won't treat you with as much respect. "What does he want?" "I don't know, ask him..."


[ Live for the Simple Things ]

Invoke: The political unrest of other species doesn't concern you. "What's a galactic war?"

Compel: You're likely to get caught in the crossfire out of misunderstanding. "What did you say, lizard?"




[ Soft & Fluffy / Sharp & Pointy ]

Invoke: You're curious about the world and love making friends with other creatures.

Compel: Other creatures sometimes find you intimidating, and your curiosity can lead you into sticky situations.

[ Never Turn Your Back to the Cage ]
 You're exceptionally attune to your predator instincts and have a keen eye for weakness in the body language. of others.

"Go for that one, he's trying to hide a limp."
Compel: Sometimes quick motions of people or things can cause you to react aggressively, which can get you in trouble.

"Whoa, calm down, it was an accident."

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